Reflective Journal


        From the start, I knew I would enjoy this course. It was the first to open and I was excited to begin. I really liked how the first module was open to us to explore and get familar with the course and On-line forum. Some other classes did not do that and I did not feel as involved. But as the course went on, some things were very familar and some were not. I was most excited for this last module, where we were able to design our own websites, which by the way I am loving, eventhough I had some troubles in the beginning. It is all about trouble-shooting.

Through this class, I have realized that I use a substantial amount of technology in my classroom, whether I am using it to help explain a topic or my students are using it to complete an assignment. Although, I did not know the difference between tool and tutor, which I mostly use tool. But I am beginning to utilize tutor programs, because through this class I have come to realize students will can and benefit a lot from tutor programs. I have also come to realize that technology integration is not always possible or needed, foundations in literacy need to set before technology programs can be introduced. Basic literacy, such as grammar, are vital to students' develop in literacy. Computers can only do some much, but if the student should know and understand, they will be better to check and correct.

I thought the readings were great, whether they were lectures or readings for critiques. The lectures were short, simple and concise. Which helped me better understand things for some of the discussions. As for the readings for critiques, I really enjoyed them. Although, at first glance, I did not think I would enjoy reading them, but I could not stop readings them. I thought they all contributed very well to each module. My favorite reading was by Todd Oppenheimer, titled "The Computer Delusion." I thought he touched upon some important points about how computers are not necessarily needed, but if used a strong foundation needs to be in place before computer can be integrated, which I mostly agree with. The only agrument I have is that, special needs students can benefit from computer use even if they do not have a strong foundation.

I do feel that I have grown as an educator in terms of integrating technology. I feel that understand the difference between different types of technologies better and since I understand them I can better incorporate technology into my curriculum even more than I do now, especially tutor programs. I am actually in the process in locating tutor programs that I am able to use and incorporate in my classroom. But now with a foundation in evaluating sites and softwares, I can better decide which sites and/or softwares are better for my students.

As for goals, I have to choose two goals to try and accomplish over this school year that my school district sets fourth. I have choosen to incorporate more differentation for students and increase communication with parents. For differentation, I am looking into programs I already have available through my school district to help with differentation. Most have actually been technology based, such as Read, Write, Gold, which is a text to read program that can read anything displayed on the computer screen. As for the commucation goal, I have choosen to increase communication via the Internet. I am currently developing a classroom website and a monthly newsletter for parents and students.

Blogs are great! Eventhough I have not stayed current with my own blog for this class. I do like to use one for my everyday life to help vent personal issues. I have yet to find how I will be able to incorporate blogs into my classroom curriculum, but I feel like I am getting closer. I have talked with some colleagues and found they use blogs to trademark things for their students. One of my colleagues has his students upload their work to their blogs, because it time stamps it for them, plus they are developing some great ideas, that they may want to eventually take recognition on. I think it works great for him and his set up, but I think my students would get too confused by it and not benefit from it in a meaningful way.

My Blog

Evaluation of Sites- I chose this artifact for my ePortfolio because I felt I did a great job on it. While researching information about evaluating websites, I found that they are super lengthy or way too simple. I felt that I created a balance in the middle, where it covered all the main points, but also added some overlooked points, that should be noticed.

Evaluation of Sites

Summary/ Critique of Digital Kids by Kathryn Montgomery- I thought I did a great job on this critique. It was the first official reading for this course and I felt I did a great job on it. I feel the summary included Montgomery's best points about how media effects our children and how it will continue to effect our children. In the critique, I felt I answered the questions very clearly and used Montgomery's points to support my answers. I did a very thorough job.


I plan to conduct my WebQuest on the Scientific Method. I believe the Scientific Method is not only an important set of steps for science, but it can also be used for anything and everything that has a clearly defined problem. It is especially important for 7th grade science, because the curriculum is so abstract, knowing and understanding and finally using the Scientific Method can help set a path for the students, that will not be outlined for them in this curriculum. Students will conduct research to find information about the Scientific Method, develop a problem, conduct an experiment, and finally develop a powerpoint about their problem, which will presented to their classmates.


WebQuest Lessonplan

As you can tell in this reflective journal, I feel that I have benefitted from this class. I have learned many great new things, but also refined some already known things.

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